Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gays in the Military

This article outlines the discrimination that exists in our military.

Sgt. Marcia Ramode should be demoted for the poor way in which they acted and the overt prejudice that they expressed to a candidate for military service. The entire unit that Sgt. Marcia Ramode belongs to should receive sensitivity training and public relations training.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Federal Budget

This article from Taxpayers for Common Sense makes a lot of sense to me.

There is no reason why an emergency spending bill is necessary after the first year of a conflict.

Monday, March 19, 2007

DC Deaths

It looks like the death count in DC is up to forty since the year began, according to the police blotter. My guess is that those numbers are going to go up as the economy continues to slip.

Housing Article


illustrates the mortgage industry very well.

My only comment is:
Steve, where was your article 4 years ago when people needed it?"



Friday, March 16, 2007

Energy Savings

link 1

link 2

society abuses prisoners or prisoners rewarded for helping society?




Energy Savings

link 1

link 2

society abuses prisoners or prisoners rewarded for helping society?




Dear Abby


Advice from an Old Man to a Young Man

Advice to Young Men from an Old Man
1. Don’t pick on the weak. It’s immoral. Don’t antagonize the strong without cause, its stupid.
2. Don’t hate women. It’s a waste of time
3. Invest in yourself. Material things come to those that have self actualized.
4. Get in a fistfight, even if you are going to lose.
5. As a former Marine, take it from me. Don’t join the military, unless you want to risk getting your balls blown off to secure other people’s economic or political interests.
6. If something has a direct benefit to an individual or a class of people, and a theoretical, abstract, or amorphous benefit to everybody else, realize that the proponent’s intentions are to benefit the former, not the latter, no matter what bullshit they try to feed you.
7. Don’t be a Republican. They are self-dealing crooks with no sense of honor or patriotism to their fellow citizens. If you must be a Republican, don’t be a “conservative.” They are whining, bitching, complaining, simple-minded self-righteous idiots who think they’re perpetual victims. Listen to talk radio for a while, you’ll see what I mean.
8. Don’t take proffered advice without a critical analysis. 90% of all advice is intended to benefit the proponent, not the recipient. Actually, the number is probably closer to 97%, but I don’t want to come off as cynical.
9. You’ll spend your entire life listening to people tell you how much you owe them. You don’t owe the vast majority of people shit.
10. Don’t undermine your fellow young men. Mentor the young men that come after you. Society recognizes that you have the potential to be the most power force in society. It scares them. Society does not find young men sympathetic. They are afraid of you, both individually and collectively. Law enforcement’s primary purpose is to suppress you.
11. As a young man, you’re on your own. Society divides and conquers. Unlike women who have advocates looking out for them (NOW, Women’s Study Departments, government, non-profit organizations, political advocacy groups) almost no one is looking out for you.
12. Young men provide the genius and muscle by which our society thrives. Look at the Silicone Valley. By in large, it was not old men or women that created the revolution we live. Realize that society steals your contributions, secures it with our intellectual property laws, and then takes credit and the rewards where none is due.
13. Know that few people have your best interests at heart. Your mother does. Your father probably does (if he stuck around). Your siblings are on your side. Everybody else worries about themselves.
14. Don’t be afraid to tell people to “Fuck off” when need be. It is an important skill to acquire. As they say, speak your piece, even if your voice shakes.
15. Acquire empathy, good interpersonal skills, and confidence. Learn to read body language and non-verbal communication. Don’t just concentrate on your vocational or technical skills, or you’ll find your wife fucking somebody else.
16. Keep fit.
17. Don’t speak ill of your wife/girlfriend. Back her up against the world, even if she’s wrong. She should know that you have her back. When she needs your help, give it. She should know that you’ll take her part.
18. Don’t cheat on your wife/girlfriend. If you must cheat, don’t humiliate her. Don’t risk having your transgressions come back to her or her friends. Don’t do it where you live. Don’t do it with people in your social circle. Don’t shit in your own back yard.
19. If your girlfriend doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and bring joy to your life, fire her. That’s what girlfriends are for.
20. Don’t bother with “emotional affairs.” They are just a vehicle for women to flirt and have someone make them feel good about themselves. That’s the part of a relationship they want. For you it is a lot of work and investment in time. If they are having an emotional affair with you, they’re probably fucking someone else.
21. Becoming a woman’s friend and confidant is not going to get you into an intimate relationship. If you haven’t gotten the girl within a reasonably short period of time, chances are you won’t ever get her. She’ll end up confiding to you about the sexual adventures she’s having with someone else.
22. Have and nurture friendships with women.
23. Realize that love is a numbers game. Guys fall in love easily. You’re going to see some girl and feel like you’ll die if you don’t get her. If she rejects you, move on to the next one. It’s her loss.
24. Don’t be an internet troll. Got out and live life. There is not a cadre of beautiful women advertising on Craigslist to have NSA sex with you. Beautiful women don’t need to advertise. The websites that advertise with attractive women’s photos and claims of loneliness are baloney. All they want is your money and your personal information so that they can market to you. The posts on Craigslist by young “women” seeking NSA sex, and asking for a picture are just a bunch of gay troll pic collectors. This is especially true if the post uses common gay lexicon like “hole” as in “fuck my hole” or seeks “masculine” men, or uses the word cock (except in the context of “Don’t send a cock shot.”) There are women on Craigslist. They are easily recognizable by their 2-5 paragraph postings. Most are in their 30's or older.
25. When you become a man in full, know that people will get in your way. People who are attracted to you will somehow manage to step in your path. Gay guys will give you “the look.” Old people will somehow stumble in front of you at the worst time. Don’t get frustrated. Just step aside and go about your business. Know that these are passive aggressive methods to get you to acknowledge their existence.
26. Don’t gay bash. Don’t mentally or physically abuse people because of who they are, or how they present themselves. It’s none of your business to try to intimidate people into conformity.
27. If your gay, admit it to yourself, your parents, your friends and society at large. Be prepared to get harassed. See rule 14. If someone threatens you or assaults you, call the cops. Have them arrested. You have no obligation to self sacrifice because of who you are. As a gay person, you’ll have more social freedom than straight men. Use it to protect yourself. Be prepared to get out of Dodge if your orientation makes your life unbearable. Move to San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, or New Orleans. You’ll find a welcoming community there.
28. Don’t be a poser. Avoid being one of those dudes who puts a surfboard on top of their car, but never surfs, or a dude with a powder coated fixed gear bike and a messenger bag, but was never a messenger. Live the life. Earn your bona fides.
29. Don’t believe the crap about the patriarchy. More women are accepted and attend college. More degrees are awarded to women than men. Women outlive men. More men commit suicide. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence, including murder. If you consider sexual assaults in prisons, twice as many men are raped as women (society thinks prison rape is funny). The streets are littered with homeless men, sprinkled with a few homeless women. Statically, women are happier than men. The myth that girls are being cheated by are educational system is belied by the fact that schools are bastions of femininity, mostly run by and taught by women. Girls outperform boys in school. It is the boys in school getting fucked over, and prescribed ritalin for being boys. Real wages for men are falling, while real wages for women are rising. Just because someone says something enough times, doesn’t make it true. You have nothing to feel guilty about.
30. Remember, 97% of all advice is worthless. Take what you can use, and trash the rest.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


While I support the mission statement of the organization, I do feel that this is one of the most corrupt nonprofit organizations.


"alcohol-related traffic deaths since 1982 have been reduced by 37 percent"
37% over 25 years is not a good metric. Either the problem (death by drunk driving) wasn't high incidence or their campaigns have been largely ineffective. Combined with the improvements in vehicle safety, a maturing population, and seatbelt laws their effectiveness is probably closer to 15% over 25 years.

The alcohol penalty metric has moved from 1.2 to .08 over this time period. I feel that this is a good direction.

"If we really want to save lives, let’s go after the most dangerous drivers on the road.” - Candy Lightner, Founder of MADD

"The fact that only 28% of the donations they wrung out of the public was actually going to anti-drinking and driving programs didn’t bother them in the least."

"By 1998, MADD had an annual budget of $42 million. Pension plans were put in place. Salaries and benefits exceeded $9 million per year."

"the money would only continue to roll in if the public perceived there was still a need for war, and a huge part of MADD’s budget is dedicated to keeping that perception in place."

"16,000 Americans each year are killed in alcohol-related accidents."
Drunk drivers are not responsible for 16000 a year.
"Only 500 innocent Americans are killed each year by drunk drivers." -- Stephen Beck, DAMM

3,000 people in jail on drinking and driving charges kill themselves while incarcerated.

Equal rights for Fathers


"Yet according to a randomized study of 46,000 divorce cases published in the American Law and Economics Review, two-thirds of all divorces involving couples with children are initiated by mothers, not fathers, and in only 6 percent of cases did the women claim to be divorcing cruel or abusive husbands."

33% of pregnancies are out of wedlock:
"Yet these relationships fail for many reasons besides male perfidy. These include: youth, economic pressure and the lack of living wage jobs (how many couples fight over money?), and the mothers' post-partum depression and mood-swings."

It is wrong to force a pregnancy on an unwilling father just as it is wrong to force a pregnancy on an unwilling mother.

Evangelical Christians against Torture


About fucking time. I have been baffled by the Republican Christian support of torture ever since the stories first aired. Torture is definitely very unchristian.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Movie: Night at the Museum

Rating: 3 stars

I started watching this at 10pm last night. I fell asleep at 10:05pm. But Robin Williams always makes me smile.

Ghost Rider

Rating: 3 Stars

Who doesn't like an action movie based on comic books with Nicholas Gage as a guy on fire?

Movie: The Queen

Rating: 2 stars

I sat through this movie and liked the introduction to the royal family and to princess Diana's life and then it ended. It had no plot, no essense, and no point. It had some excellent acting but without a plot or a point what's the use? If they'd taken the movie anywhere it probably would have gotten a much better reception.

Movie: Breach

Rating: 3 stars

I think I watched this. I think it left me with a good impression. I can't remember.

Movie: The Departed

Rating: 4 stars

The departed recently won an Oscar for best picture. After watching the movie, I have to agree that it was a very good movie. Like a similar mafia movie,The Godfather ,it had Latin and literature reference to class it up. It had some amazing acting from the cast including believable boston-irish accents and culture. Best of all, the movie moved in such a way that I wasn't sure how it was going to end. And true to this, the ending was a surprise. This is definitely a movie worth watching.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Highlander: The Source

Rating: 1 star

It pains me to say it but the movie was bad. There is a reason why no one I know had never heard about it...it stunk. I've been a big fan of Adrian Paul and the Highlander Sci Fi Genre for at least 10 years. I think the Series with Adrian Paul was better than any of the original Highlander movies. The first Highlander movie was cutting edge, and introduced us to this world of decapitation and immortality. But the plots between all of the disperate movies never connected. This Highlander movie, continues that trend, and doesn't match up with any of the others. All you get is Adrian Paul, Methos, a love story, and an evil immortal who runs really fast. And that isn't enough to make a good movie.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Coulter && 'Faggot'

I honestly haven't been following this story at all. What has come into my peripheral has been from the business side - businesses are pulling their ads from her, and the intelligencia that maintain blogs on money (who also happen to be gay).

From a conservative man in the audience that day:
"It was an ugly atmosphere, designed to make any gay man or woman in the room feel marginalized and despised. To put it simply, either conservatism is happy to be associated with that atmosphere, or it isn't. I think the response so far suggests that the conservative elites don't want to go there, but the base has already been there for a very long time."

I agree with this sentiment. I have always attributed negativity and hate with the right side of the political spectrum. Democrats are more supportive and accepting of people who are different.