Monday, June 11, 2007

Review: Robin Hood the BBC Series

Rating: 2 stars

The Robin Hood series created by the BBC in 2007 contains thirteen episodes in the first season. It contains attractive actors, talented stunt people, and a great range of special effects. I'd love to be less critical of this series except that Robin Hood has been something that I've studied in such minute detail that not pointing out the flaws in this series would do an injustice to the myth and legend. I remember dressing up as robin hood at least one Halloween when I was young.

My formative years were filled with thoughts of sword fighting and archery. I imagined myself performing feats of righteousness and took the sense of right and wrong from the legend into my adult years.

This portrayal of the Robin Hood mythology fails in a number of ways. It presents a feminized fantasy that is historically inaccurate. The series was scripted to present a modernist view of how women would like to see the Robin Hood mythology. The script is filled with modern language and phrases and is wholly unbelievable as a historical reenactment.

Women throughout history did not act like superheroes. It is not in their nature to act. Women lie and manipulate from within the comforts that their victims provide for them. They do not choose physical activity when they could be conniving their way into a better marriage or social circumstance.

While challenging women to be more like men is an interesting experiment in modern times, it totally destroys and devalues the male role in society. I don't begrudge modern women freedoms that they've earned or the opportunities that they take advantage of. However, when a piece is set during a certain time period and culture, being true to the historical aspects of the setting is required for a television endeavor. This series gives non traditional roles and activities to women. It fails to demonstrate the bigotry and stupidity of the people of the time. It gives too much credit to the intelligence of the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men. It introduces inaccurate fighting styles and weapons (The saracen bow was not as powerful as the English longbow). It also fails to demonstrate any strategic thinking on the part of the perpetrators of the crimes or their enemies.

In conclusion, unless you only want a feel good Robin Hood with an English accent, you should take a pass on this series and go watch the Disney version again.

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