Thursday, February 09, 2006


The greatness of religion lies in its readiness to forgive you for things you can't forgive yourself for. Be a priest, forgive someone(yes, you are a someone) today.

Today, I forgive myself for being stubborn and failing to be perfect.

I also forgive those who have caused the murder of another person on 2006-02-08. Perhaps, I'm the indirect cause of a death on 2006-02-08. I'm not strong enough to forgive all attrocities throughout time, so I'll start with one day. I may never have met these victims but their loss hits me harder than if I had been able to know them. The sheer scope of cruelty , stupidity, and evil overwhelms me. I mourn their unrealized potential.

I can do no less today than live as best as I can for myself and others, in the memory of those who didn't have the same opportunity. I can meet my potential today.

Absolution. Rest in peace.

Cats still suck.

song of the day: Beatles, "I Will".


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