Monday, February 06, 2006

Traffic Court

Today, I visited court to contest my traffic citation for speeding 53 mph in a 35 mph speed zone. I failed miserably at presenting my arguement. I attempted to plead guilty with explanation but was rebuffed by the judge's dislike of my reason. Following that, I switched to to pleading not guilty to 53 mph.

My intention prior to getting there was to plead guilty with explanation and bank on the fact that I hadn't recieved a speeding ticket in 5 years and that at that time it was thrown out of court. Stagefright struck me when standing in front of the judge and all I was able to do was repeat the phrase...'not 53'. This was not a particularly effective handling of the situation.

There were some benefits to the way I managed the lead up to the court case, and a 75$ fine was reduced to 35$ (since it was prepaid, I'll be
recieving a 40$ refund in the mail). I believe that my license will
have 2 points assessed against it.

This hour, I found these sites:

There is much more to be presented on this topic: discussion, related interests, morality, legality, civic safety, police abuse, ideas generated for new business (classes on how to present a case, preparation material, law consodiation across world juristictions, and best practice implementation for localities that don't have a complete legal code yet). However, in the interest of time, I'll end here.

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